We are delighted and honoured to have recently been featured in an edition of The Parliamentary Review (a Westminster publication which recognises and shares knowledge on industry best practice). The Parliamentary Review aims to raise standards among all different types of businesses. CMIG was invited to take part in the publication by The Rt Hon. the Lord Pickles.
The publication combines political commentary from leading journalists, with sector specific insight from Secretaries of State, Ministers and MPs. It is an indispensable guide to industry best practice, which demonstrates how sector leaders have responded to challenges in the political and economic environment. The Parliamentary Review is sent to over 500,000 leading business executives, policy makers and other relevant individuals.

An annual gala is held at the Palace of Westminster for all the best practice representatives included in the publication. Andrew Webb and Janice Smith took the trip down to London to represent the club and be present at the evening gala featuring guest speakers, Ken Clarke MP, and political commentator Andrew Neil.

You can read our full article in The Parliamentary Review here: https://www.theparliamentaryreview.co.uk/organisations/city-of-manchester-institute-of-gymnastics