Welcome to City of Manchester Institute of Gymnastics (CMIG)

To participate in our gymnastics activities you must be a member. Membership of the club is renewed annually and a monthly membership subscription applies along with an annual club administration and British Gymnastics membership fee. If you are already a member you can access and update your details by going to https://my.coacha.app/login/cmig

All our members must also be members of British Gymnastics (the Governing Body for gymnastics in the UK).

If you are looking to join the club as a new member then please head over to our How To Join page and follow the simple sign up instructions there.

Recreation Class Members

Please note that membership of both CMIG and BG must be renewed each year and we will contact all members when this is due. Our club membership costs £40 a year (free to Play Gym members). This is split between the club and British Gymnastics (CMIG £16, BG £24)

Please ensure that you keep your contact details up to date with us if anything changes before the next renewal.